One key to a successful college rugby program is alumni involvement and support. In 2019, the University of Florida Rugby Alumni Association (UFRAA) was established as a Florida not-for-profit corporation. Membership in the UFRAA is open to all alumni, players, coaches, parents, and supporters, and provides support to both the men’s and women’s rugby teams at the University of Florida (UF). Since its founding, the UFRAA has provided guidance and financial support to help meet the UF Rugby teams’ immediate needs, including assistance with rugby union dues, team jerseys, and referee training. In addition, the UFRAA provides alumni and supporters with regular team updates and opportunities to support and be involved with rugby at UF. As part of its mission to support UF Rugby, in 2021, the UFRAA established the Florida Rugby Endowment to provide a permanent and consistent source of financial support to both the men’s and women’s rugby teams.